Finding Courage Original Painting
Finding Courage Original Painting
About the Original Artwork
The original painting was created for my Talk, Tarot & Tea oracle deck and is centred around the theme of Finding Courage. The original painting is 20cm x 25.5cm and is created using acrylic paint, watercolour pencils and paint markers.
Here is the message from the card that goes with the artwork:
Message: Anything big in life that we want to achieve requires a certain amount of courage. Everything in life comes with a degree of risk, fear or unknowing of whats to come, change. It is time to face up to what you really want and wholeheartedly go for it. What other option is there? Staying stuck. We both know you have a lot more to give than that!
Original Painting on canvas board
20cm x 25.5cm
Price: €185
Price includes worldwide tracked shipping or collection from Dublin or Kildare.